Thursday, January 22, 2015

90 games of Sand King for our king

My name is Omar from Saudi Arabia, a Dota 2 player and a tournament organizer who has just received the sad news about our king's death. I am very sad at the moment, I doubt that you know how I feel, It is just really really sad. I was 12 when King Abdullah reigned. I am 23 now and can't help myself getting emotional over this. All TV stations are airing holy scripts from the Quran, everything is quite outside and the country in mourning. I play Dota 2 a lot, and I decided to play Sand King for the next 90 games, in his memory.

1 comment:

  1. I am deeply sorry for what happend to you. Any way I am glad to see another dota 2 player and I salute you with all the respect. To bad that I saw this post today, it was a pleasure to me to play some game with you , check my dota gosu
